Wednesday, April 7, 2010

This set going to Penn State?

Small chance that I'll be deejaying the HvZ invitational after party. If I don't that's cool, but just in case I wanted to get a head start on possible tracks to play. The verdict is that I like this set a lot and I feel it will be the first half of an awesome night if indeed I am chosen to play the tunes. Anyway, a lot of fun to hit the decks again and mix in my style as it had been a while (unintentional rhyme).

AND i almost forgot. Lately my mixer has been a real piece and occasionally when i push the faders up to 10 it just cuts one of the left or right channels on the master. . .??? So yeah, don't mind that and pretend like it didn't fuck up decent transitions haha ok thanks :)

HvZ Warmup [4.6.10] by DJ Empē



  1. That is very cool. Let us know if you do end up going or not. All the best of luck :).
